Verse 1:

We suffered under silent idols,

Ages of sorrow prolonged;

Then came a Savior whose arrival

Would fill the world with song

Verse 2:

Heaven had promised, Heaven answered

With a gift we could not dream:

Jesus, the Hand of God’s salvation,

Jesus, the King of kings.


Hosanna, Hosanna!

The King of Glory

Jesus, the only God who saves

Hosanna, we sing of Your might and mercy,

How excellent is Your name

Verse 3:

What other god would span such distance,

By taking on flesh and blood?

Only the Prince of Lovingkindness,

Broken in death for us.

Verse 4:

Up from the grave He rose in power,

Soon we will see Him revealed;

Then every soul will bow to honor

Jesus, unparalleled!


Hosanna, Hosanna!

The King of Glory

Jesus, the only God who saves

Hosanna, we sing of Your might and mercy,

How excellent is Your name

How excellent is Your name


Who compares to You, Lord, among the gods?:

Hosanna! The King of glory!

To your name alone saving strength belongs:

Hosanna! The King of glory!

And the earth shall sing when you come again

Hosanna! The King of glory!

All authority in your nail scarred hands

Jesus, forever worthy!